Spin Your Heart Out: Pole Dancing
Signing up for the class: Easy. Telling others that I went: Hard. However, as a blogger, I have to write about my experiences and publish it
Float Away: Salt Float Detox
What is Flotation Therapy? Float therapy is a health treatment with proven physical and mental effects. Also known as Restricted...
Naaaaaamaste: Goat Yoga
What is Goat Yoga? I was causally looking at thing to do in my area when it hit me: Goat yoga! The advertisement was colorful with pictures
The Giant's Causeway
“Once upon a time” is the start of wonderful fairytales from our childhoods. We sit with full attention to listen to the story of giants, pr
Feel the Suspense: Aerial Yoga
In Aerial Yoga, the participants strike various yoga poses while hanging several feet off the ground.